Far Hills Train Station

This Renaissance Revival-style structure, with a central eyelid dormer and Spanish-tile hipped roof, was constructed in 1914 and has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1984. The walls are made of poured concrete. The walls and chimneys have green glazed tile plaques that match the roof tile. The ticket counter and water fountain are made of marble, while the waiting room has a terrazzo floor with a tile border and wainscoting made of glazed brick. The station was designed by L.R. Simpson, an in-house architect with the DL&W Railroad. It is owned by NJ Transit and leased to Butler’s Pantry Trackside Restaurant. Far Hills Train Station provides service on NJ Transit’s Gladstone Branch which offers connections into New York City.

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Location Details

Address: U.S. Route 202, Far Hills, NJ 07931

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